How often to change the air purifier filter?

How often to change the air purifier filter? The answer is simple. But, it depends! In general, if your air purifier has a removable or washable filter, you should change it every three months.

Your air purifier has a disposable filter; you should change it every month! Some manufacturers recommend changing the filter more often (like once every week) than the recommended interval. But this is not necessary.

Manufacturers do this because they want to make sure their product will always be selling as many units as possible. Don’t let them “trick” you into believing that more frequent filter changes will result in longer life for your air purifier.

That’s simply not true. Changing the filter more frequently will not increase the life of your unit. However, it will increase the amount of dust and other particles it has to remove from the air.

This blog post will help you know how often you should change an air purifier’s filter so that you won’t have to deal with the hassle of cleaning air filters every now and then. We have put together some simple tips which you can follow to ensure that your air purifier is working at its optimum level at all times. 

How often to change the filter in the air purifier?

Along with caring for your air purifier, you should also clean it regularly. This will help ensure that the machine lasts as long and operates at peak efficiency! So, you need to know when the filter should be replaced and what type will work best for you.

Every owner needs some knowledge on how they can clean or change their filters!

However, the frequency by which a person ought to replace their air filter depends on several factors. Let’s look into these details!

Default indoor air quality

Air purifiers can be a great way to get the air in your home or office clean. But they’re only as effective if you have an efficient filter. If the air inside your home is too polluted, the air purifier won’t be able to remove all the dirt and dander from the air. In addition, some pollutants are too small for the filters to remove. If that happens, the only thing that will happen is, the contaminants will be trapped inside the unit. They will end up being exhaled by you or your family members when they use it.

The unit should also have an indicator that notifies you when it’s time to replace the filters. This will allow you to prepare in advance for the replacement, so you will not be caught off-guard when it’s time to change them.

Frequency of usage

If you’re going to use your air purifier 24/7, it’s best if you take care of the unit and its maintenance yourself. If used constantly without much break between uses, each device will need more attention than activated during certain times or days.

Water quality

A compromise in the longevity of your washable filters is caused by tap water rich with mineral deposits. This can lead to unwanted clogging and reduced lifespan. so it’s important for you as a homeowner or business owner who uses their own sources (such as city supplied) to make sure these aren’t an issue before buying one!

Filter type

Many may wonder about the best time to change their filters. The frequency of when one should change their filter type depends on the filter type. For example, for a pre-filter, it is necessary to change the filter every month, and this is because it does not contain carbon or HEPA technology which can trap allergens and odors. On the other hand, a HEPA filter does not need to be changed as often because it can capture allergens and last up to 3 years.

Air purifiers are perfect for your home and office. They’re great at getting rid of the harmful particles that can cause health problems, as well as smelling up a room quickly! They usually have a filter change indicator, so you know when to replace or clean that pesky old thing! However, not all models do this; we’ve put together an article on what kind will work best depending upon where they’ll go inside (or outside) our space.

Variables that Affect Your Air Filter

Here are other factors that contribute to the longevity of your air filter:

Allergy and asthma: If the air in your home is not fresh enough, it can cause allergy and asthma problems for those who are allergic. It’s important to change out damp things every month. So they don’t breed mold or mildew, which could make you sicker!

Children: Babies and toddlers are small, delicate humans that rely on their lungs to breathe. If you don’t clean out your air filter often enough, it can cause problems, even if they appear healthy! So, it is important to change the air filter in your home at least twice every three months to ensure your baby or toddler is breathing clean air.

Heavy use: If you use your A/C or heating system frequently, change them every few weeks to ensure that they stay in good shape. On the other hand, if it’s a secondary home that needs to remain cool and cozy, checking in once per six months should suffice!

Home size: Larger homes have a higher level of air circulation, which means that your filter may need to be changed more often.

Outdoor air quality: You also need to consider the quality of the air outside your home. If you live in many polluted areas or near traffic, we recommend checking filters more often so that they don’t get clogged with dirt and pollen from outdoors!

Pets: Pets can cause a considerable mess in your home, so it’s essential to change the air purifiers’ filters regularly. One major problem with pets is that they shed hairs and dander, which will clog up an already full system if left unchecked for long periods. This means changing out those dirty filter cartridges every few weeks, at least!

Why should you replace the air filter with an air purifier?

The air purifier is the perfect way to enjoy a clean home that’s free of allergens, bacteria, and mold. The filter traps all these irritants as they pass through them, accumulating until your filters get saturated with them!

It’s great for you because it provides relief from airborne allergies or asthma by removing pollen outside where there are trees instead of on affecting those sensitive areas inside where people spend most their time.”

When you run a cleaner continuously, after a while, the effectiveness will decrease and needs to be cleaned for it to continue removing pollutants from the air. This ensures that your unit is at peak performance!

How do you know when your air purifier needs a new filter?

If your air purifier doesn’t come with an indicator that tells you when the filter needs to be changed, then you can also use the following indicators to tell you when it’s time for a filter change.

  • The dust and dirt buildup gives it a distinct gray color.
  • People with asthma and allergy symptoms are experiencing more congestion and irritability.
  • There are odors in the air, and they’re getting stronger.
  • asthma and allergy symptoms are increasing,
  • Airflow may decrease or stop completely.
  • It will be hard to see the air purifier working.
  • The air filter may be black.
  • A chemical smell may be detected.
  • The purifier will not filter all particles in the air.

A dirty filter will make your air purifier work less effectively and might even hurt you. Every time the machine is used, it should be cleaned or replaced with new filters to keep its performance level at an optimum point for long-term health benefits from clean air!

How to Change an Air Filter

Changing an air filter is a straightforward and simple process. As the air filter is one of the most important parts of your purifier, it’s always best to take care of and maintain them. A dirty filter can lead to major problems with performance for you’re household needs! Thankfully, changing this straightforward process is easy as pie! You just have to follow below these steps carefully:

User’s Manual

Before you get started, it’s a good idea to check the manual that comes with your air purifier unit. Chances are, it will tell you exactly what type of filter is required and give you guidelines on the proper size of that filter.

Be sure to only use filters recommended by the manufacturer. If you decide not to replace your old one with something new, this could void any warranty on equipment that might have previously applied!

Type of Filter

It’s also important to select the right air filter for your needs. There are so many choices; you can go with a washable, fiberglass, pleated, electronic, or HEPA one. Just make sure it fits over your current screen without any modifications needed.

Switch Filters

You don’t want to start any work without taking the time to turn off your HVAC system. Luckily, it’s not complicated, and there are many ways for you can access these filters! One way would be by pulling out an existing cover or unscrewing them to find what needs changing – whichever one works best with how they’re set up at home.

The old screen is removed and replaced with a new one. Carefully following the arrows on each side of your house’s frame, you’ll find that one direction flows air into an intake vent while another exhausts out all around it — so make sure your point towards where this must go for good performance!

To make sure you are protecting your filter, spray some water on its side opposite to where air flows. Keep the pressure low and watch for signs that fiber is starting to break or separate from the paper-like material housing it!

Take a Deep Breath

A home is only as good of a place to live in if the air inside it can breathe. Regular filter replacement is key if you want your house(es) to be both comfortable and healthy! An HVAC’s MARV rating mainly varies between 1-20, meaning they all have different sizes for stopping various levels of contaminants like pollen or dust.

It would be best if you changed your filters every six months. If you have allergies or children in the house, it’s best to do this more often than that!

First, take off any old ones and put them somewhere safe to not touch any exposed metal with bare hands before replacing them properly for the maximum benefit of use on air quality matters.

You should write down your last maintenance date so you can schedule when the next one is.

Filter replacement schedule

Our research found that the typical replacement schedule for a specific filter type is listed below. It is important to know how often you will need to change your filter, depending on the type of air purifier that’s being used. But keep in mind this is just an estimate, and monitor what happens with your device regularly as well!

This is a list of different filter types, with their replacements times to help you get started.

HEPA Filters: It should be replaced every 12 to 18 months.

Carbon Filters: Replacement is recommended every three to six months.

Pre-Filters: Every 30 days, it must be cleaned and replaced if it becomes worn out.

Permanent Filters: Every three months, it must be cleaned and replaced if it becomes damaged.

Benefits of Changing Air Purifier Filters

After doing a little more research, I discovered that it’s important to change your air filters. Here’s why:

  • It’s not just that the air purifier works with clean filters. A clogged filter slows down its cleaning process, making your device work harder and potentially shortening its lifespan! Changing out an old or dirty one is a quick way to make sure you’re getting all of this hard-working machine’s potential life span for yourself.
  • The filters in your house may be making a mess of things. The airflow from these spaces could cause dirt and dust to accumulate on its surface, which will only get worse if you don’t clean them regularly!
  • The obvious reason: You’ve probably noticed that your air purifier isn’t as effective when the filters are clogged.

I am so grateful that you took the time out of your day to read about my experience. I hope that it will help fellow allergy-sufferers find relief.


1. How long do air purifier filters last?

Answer: The lifespan of air purifier filters depends on the type of filter you have, but in general, air purifier filters are supposed to last approximately six months. It should be mentioned that this lifespan may vary depending on how often the air purifier is used and if there are any special air quality conditions.

Depending on these factors, some people have reported that their air purifier filters lasted up to 12 months, while others report that they need to change the filters every 3-4 months.

2. Does changing the air filter reduce dust?

Answer: It depends on the air filter type. HEPA filters do a good job of reducing dust and dirt from the air. Because they have very high efficiency, they also tend to collect dust from the air as well.

If you leave a HEPA filter in place for a long time without cleaning it, the dust will cake onto the filter. At this point, changing the filter will not reduce dust. It may just distribute the dust that is already there.

3. Can you wash an air purifier filter?

Answer: Yes, but I would not recommend it. Most filter types are washable when they get clogged with too much dust. Wash them in a little soapy water, rinse thoroughly and allow drying. I’ve washed mine several times (lots of pet hair), and it makes no difference in the air quality. Depending on your model, the filter will either be washable or replaceable.

However, It would be a good idea to take precautions so that your filter does not dry out or catch fire. Check your air filter instructions before washing. You may need to run the unit for several hours.

4. Can you reuse air purifier filters?

Answer: Yes, you can reuse filters in some models. It all depends on the model and the frequency with which you use it. Reusable air filters are disposable air filters that can be used more than once. This means that you can take them out, wash them thoroughly and then put them back in to continue to use them. It would help if you cleaned them at least once every three months; some manufacturers recommend cleaning them monthly.

5. Is it safe to clean an air purifier filter? 

Answer: Yes, it is perfectly safe to clean an air purifier filter. The air-cleaning machines are great for trapping dust particles that you can’t even see with the naked eye, and their filters capture 99.97% of those small allergens too! Regular cleaning will help maintain the effectiveness of this filter. However, air purifiers with Plasma Clean™ technology do not have a permanent filter.

6. Do you need to dry a washable filter after cleaning?

Answer: Truly, it is crucial to put your filters to dry off if you want them to smell fresh. But if you do not, you are opening the door to a different kind of smell. A rotten smell that won’t just come from the filter but your entire room.

What’s the best way to keep your filter clean? Hang it! Make sure you hang these out before putting them back in, as they’ll dry faster and last longer that way.

7. What happens if you don’t change the HEPA filter?

Answer: You may be surprised to learn that your air purifier is more than just a machine. In fact, it can remove up harmful chemicals and particles from inside of our homes!

So if you don’t take care of these filters, they’ll start building up all sorts of things that will damage them extremely fast. You also run the risk of getting mold growing on there as well as bacteria spreading around making people sick – not only yourself but loved ones too!

It might sound like an unimportant task, but I assure you this: Between turning off one appliance to keep their home free from such dangers (mold/bacteria), many homeowners find themselves facing health issues due to neglecting basic maintenance.


We all know that air purifiers are a great way to live in a cleaner environment. But, how often do you change the filter? The answer may depend on which type of filter your model has and what it’s meant for (i.e., allergies or asthma). Keep up with this task by following the manufacturer’s instructions – if they’re not available, try to remember when you last changed it!

Remembering can be difficult, but an app called Clean Air Report will remind you when it’s time to swap out your filters (and let you know about any other chemicals emitted from things like paint fumes).

However, the best way to maintain the effectiveness of your air purifier is by changing the filter regularly. This will keep the efficiency and performance of your machine at its peak, which means you’ll be able to breathe easier with less dust in the air.

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