What is activated filter and why is it used in filters?

The activated carbon filter is a type of air filter that removes chemicals and odors from the air. It does this by chemically bonding to molecules in the air, making it an excellent choice for those with allergies or asthma. Activated carbon filters are made out of bamboo charcoal, making them renewable because they can be grown back into new activated carbon filters!

By reading this article, you will learn about carbon filters and how they may help people with allergies or asthma. You will also understand why carbon filters are helpful for them.

Plus, we’ll discuss what activated carbon filters are and how they work.

We’ll also explain some of the advantages of using them in your own home. So if you’d like to know more, continue reading!


What Is Activated Carbon Filter?

Activated carbon is a type of filter that uses charcoal to remove contaminants from water or air. It can be used in a variety of settings, including homes and hospitals. These filters have activated carbon stuck in them that has microscopic particles. This allows for it to absorb quite a few pollutants. This is the way it does it because impurities draw themselves to the surface of the activated carbon.

Activated carbon filters are often used to treat water, though they can also be used with air purifiers. They provide effective removal of chlorine and organic chemicals from water sources. They can also remove unpleasant odors, smoke particles, and other airborne contaminants.


What is charcoal or carbon?

Bamboo charcoal, also known as activated carbon, is made from bamboo stalks that have been burned at a high temperature in an oxygen-free environment. This process creates a porous material that is perfect for trapping pollutants.

For hundreds of years, charcoal has been used to clean the air and water. The ancient Egyptians used it to clean their drinking water, which likely explains why so many people from that time have been found to have good health.

In fact, activated carbon is still used today in hospitals to treat poison victims by absorbing the toxic poisons from their stomachs and airways.


How is carbon activated?

Activated carbon is activated in one of two ways: physically or chemically.

Physically activated carbon is created when small pieces of charcoal are heated to a very high temperature. This creates a material that is full of tiny spores. These pores allow it to absorb large amounts of pollutants.

Chemically activated carbon is made by treating charcoal with a chemical agent. This creates a material that is full of tiny holes. These holes allow it to absorb large amounts of pollutants.

Both types of activated carbon are effective at removing chemicals in water and the air, so they both work very well for this purpose.


How Does Activated Carbon Work?

Activated carbon filters work by taking advantage of the molecular structure of carbon, which is very similar to that of the chemical bonds found in the lungs. The molecules of the charcoal are like small pieces of sponge, ready to soak up particles. In this way, the charcoal works in a similar fashion as a filter by trapping particles in its pore spaces. The first time a carbon filter traps a molecule of whatever it’s filtering, the charcoal will actually take on some of the properties of that molecule.

So, when particles begin to bind to the charcoal, the particles will be held together by the same kind of bond used to make the charcoal.  When these chemicals react with the charcoal, they change from being able to enter the pores into a more solid-like state.


How do carbon air filters trap gaseous pollutants?

Activated carbon filters are not designed to remove gases from the air, but some of our carbon filters do have a small amount of activated carbon that can help absorb certain gases. Gases are more difficult to remove than liquids or solids because they are harder to attract to the activated carbon’s surface.

However, if the gas is in contact with the activated carbon long enough, it will eventually be absorbed.


What are the benefits of using an activated carbon filter?

There are many benefits to using an activated carbon air filter. It is important to understand these benefits so you can decide whether or not activated carbon filters are right for you and your family. Let’s take a look at just a few of the reasons these filters are so great:

  • Eliminating a variety of toxic substances from air and water.
  • It may be reused multiple times.
  • It’s very effective at getting rid of the allergens in the air.
  • Works well in a variety of settings
  • Removes unpleasant smells from water and air
  • Purifies drinking water
  • Used in hospitals to treat poison victims and people with allergies or asthma
  • Helps to produce high-quality wine that tastes better
  • Keeps fish healthy and looking their best in large aquariums
  • Effective at removing impurities and unpleasant odors from the wine.”


What are Activated Carbon Filters Used for?

On the other hand, if you’re looking for a way to get rid of unwanted odors in your home, then you might be interested in activated carbon filters. They are used to filter out chemicals and odors from the air that your lungs breathe. These activated carbon filters are made out of natural bamboo charcoal processed to give it a particular surface area.

However, here are some of the most common uses for these activated carbon filters:

Odor Control: 

The activated carbon filters remove odors from the air by chemically bonding with the molecules that make up the smell in question. For example, the smell is removed when cleaning with ammonia by the activated carbon filter binding to the molecules making up the odor. For example, when cooking with spice, the smell is removed by the activated carbon filter binding to the molecules making up the odor.

Compared to traditional air filters, which remove odors by filtering them out, activated carbon filters are more effective at removing the odor. In addition, they work to improve indoor air quality and help to prevent the formation of other chemicals in your home. They are an excellent choice for those with allergies or asthma.

Water Treatment:

Activated carbon filters are used in drinking water treatment for many reasons, such as removing odors, removing contaminants, and improving taste.

Although this may be true, a more important reason is that activated carbon will absorb certain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that are found in many common household materials and can be harmful if ingested. This is especially true if the water is consumed by infants or small children.

The EPA has determined that there are more than 6,000 different VOCs in tap water. These are the ones that can be removed by using activated carbon in your water filtration system. The good news is, there are fewer than 100 that are considered hazardous. And, most of these are easily removed with the use of an activated carbon filter!

Consequently, the majority of VOCs are not harmful, but even if they were harmful, the EPA only classifies them as “cancer-causing” when they reach extremely high concentrations.

Air Purification:

Activated carbon filters have become very popular over the last few years due to their ability to remove a variety of odors and impurities from the air. Most people would agree that the air quality in their homes is important, so they use a variety of devices to improve it.

However, some people who live in areas where the pollution levels are higher may feel that they need to install a whole-house air purifier to help reduce the number of harmful particles and chemicals entering their homes. This may include activated carbon filters, which have been shown to be effective at removing a wide variety of substances, including those found in tobacco smoke.

On the other hand, some people with asthma or other breathing problems might find that using a whole-house air purifier can be hazardous to their health. So, always consult your doctor before making any changes to the air quality in your home if you have any type of respiratory problem.


How to effectively use an activated carbon air filter?    

There are a few things you can do to make sure you are getting the most out of your activated carbon air filter:

  • Change the filter often. The more often you change the filter, the more effective it will be at removing pollutants from the air.
  • Make sure the filter can be easily cleaned and that there is plenty of airflow around it so you don’t suffocate it. If you do, then clean or replace the filter to get more air in the room again.
  • Keep your windows and doors closed if you are using an activated carbon filter in your bedroom or other sleeping areas. Otherwise, you will be taking the pollutants back into the room with you.
  • Make sure to follow package instructions when installing any type of filter.
  • Make sure the filter is properly sized for your unit.


Activated carbon removes pollutants from the air and water with an easy method that doesn’t need much maintenance on your part, either. You should follow these few steps to make sure it’s working at its best.


What is activated carbon good at?

Activated carbon is good at removing a variety of pollutants from water and air. This includes:

  • Allergens
  • Poisons
  • Unpleasant smells
  • Impurities
  • Unpleasant odors
  • Carbon filtration is also used in the wine-making process. The activated carbon helps to remove impurities and unpleasant odors from the wine.

So, as you can see, activated carbon filtration is a tried and true technology that has been used for centuries. It is a safe and effective way of getting rid of pollution from water and air.

If you are looking for an effective way to remove pollutants from the air, an activated carbon filter is a great option.


Should you use a carbon air filter?

Activated carbon air filters are environmentally friendly and great at removing bad smells from the air. These filters can be used in vents, furnaces, and other heating systems; they are very versatile.

They are also easy to set up and assembled, making them a convenient option for almost everyone. If you or someone in your family suffers from allergies or asthma, an activated carbon air filter is a good way to help improve your quality of life.

An activated carbon filter is a great option to improve the air quality in your home.


Are all Activated Carbon Filters the Same?

Activated carbon air filters may serve as a great addition to any house. But before you buy, it’s important to know what makes one activated carbon air filter different from another.

First and foremost, let’s start with the type of activated carbon that is in the filter. As we mentioned above, there are two types of activated carbon: “activated coal” and “activated coconut shell”. We’ll spare you the chemistry lesson on how activated carbon is made. Both types of activated carbon start out in their unprocessed form as either coal or coconuts.

When someone says, they have an activated carbon air filter in their home, that usually means one of two things: the filter contains activated coal or an activated coconut shell.

The main difference between the two types of carbon is how long they will last before needing to be replaced. Activated coal typically has a longer lifespan than activated coconut shells, but it also tends to be more expensive.

The other thing that sets one activated carbon filter apart from another is the size of the pores in the carbon. The smaller the pores, the more contaminants the carbon can remove from the air or water.

So, when you’re shopping for an activated carbon air filter, make sure to ask about the type of activated carbon in the filter and how small the pores are. You’ll want to purchase a filter that effectively removes your targeted contaminants while still fitting within your budget.



1. Are Activated Carbon Filters Safe?

Answer: Yes, activated carbon filters are made from natural materials and are harmless because they are mostly from coconut shells. Coconut shell filters are not harmful to you or anyone else in the vicinity, nor are they harmful to the environment.

Besides, coconut shells are a renewable resource. They are grown on coconuts. So, instead of using some sort of toxic chemical to extract the carbon, the natural process of breaking down the coconut shells into charcoal creates a safe and very effective filter.

2. Do Activated Carbon Filters Remove Gases?

Answer: No. Activated carbon filters remove chemicals, but they don’t remove gases. This means they’re not effective in removing things like carbon monoxide and any other odorless gases that may escape from your water or air.

3. Will Activated Carbon Filters Remove All Odors From The Air?

Answer: Activated carbon filters typically do not remove all odors from the air. However, they are very effective at removing unpleasant smells from water and air.

4. Can I Use Activated Carbon Filters In My Home?

Answer: Yes! Activated carbon filters can be used in a variety of settings, including homes, businesses, and hospitals.

5. Are Activated Carbon Filters Effective Against Allergens?

Answer: Yes, activated carbon filters are effective against allergens. This is because the materials used in these filters contain smaller pores than other types of filters which can be seen under a microscope.

The smaller pore size allows for better filtration and trapping of small particles like pollen and mold spores that may cause allergic reactions.



We hope we’ve given you enough information about activated carbon filters to help you to decide for your home. If not, reach out, and our team of experts can answer any other questions that still linger!

The air in your home is important no matter what it smells like or how many chemicals are floating around. An activated charcoal filter may be perfect for those who want a cleaner environment with fewer dust particles and allergens floating through the house.

And as always, never hesitate to ask us anything else – we love answering all sorts of queries!

To find out more information about this innovative product for homes and offices alike, check out our blog post “What Is Activated Carbon Filter?” Home

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