How to Reduce Litter Box Odors?

Do you have a cat? Do you hate the smell of your litter box? If so, this blog post is for you! I’ll be talking about how to reduce cat litter box odors.

The cat litter box is an essential part of any household with a feline. It is where your furry friend does their business, so it’s important to keep the area as clean and fresh as possible. But what about those smells? They can be difficult to get rid of, but not impossible!

In this guide, we’ll go over how you can reduce cat litter box odors in your home by following these simple steps. Happy reading!

How to Reduce Litter Box Odors: Step by step

Have you found yourself deeply frustrated because the odor from your cat’s litter box is so strong that it can be detected a mile away? Have you tried to find a solution to this problem but been unsuccessful?

Do not feel that you have to resign yourself to the fact that your cat’s litter box will always smell bad. Instead, use these easy steps to reduce cat litter box odors and be able to enjoy coming home again.

However, this blog post is going to show you how to reduce these odors. It will teach you some simple tips and tricks that can help keep your home smelling fresh without the use of harsh chemicals or expensive products. Most importantly, it’s natural and safe for both you and your cat! Read on to learn more!

Frequent Cleaning: How often should you change cat litter?

How frequently you change your cat’s litter box is another thing that will determine how often you need to deal with kitty litter smells. Some people recommend cleaning the litter tray every day, while others believe that it should be done once a week. Whatever the case may be, at some point, you will need to clean the litter-filled area.

Pick an Open Location: Where should I put the litter box?

Some people get lucky enough to have an out-of-the-way spot in which to keep the litter box. For most, however, that is not possible. There are many different suggestions for picking a location for your cat’s litter tray, including keeping it in the basement, placing it outside (which should only be done if you live in a warm climate), and putting it in a spare bathroom.

A corner is much better than a flat surface as many cats like to scratch the walls, and corners provide something they can do. For those with multiple felines, try to place their litter trays next to each other if possible. This not only gives them some privacy, but it also cuts down on the smell of one box affecting the other. Even better, if your cat(s) will let you, you can put a baby gate across a doorway and attach a litter tray to that.

Use Cat Litter Deodorizers: Do they work?

There are many different types of cat litter deodorizers that are available in pet stores. Unfortunately, it is not known whether or not they actually work to eliminate the odors of the litter box, but if you are using an air purifier anyway, it can’t hurt to try one.

Use an Automatic Litter Box: Can this help?

Some people invest in an automatic litter box, which will remove the waste from the litter. They are quite expensive, but it might be worth looking into if you can afford one or would like to try it out. Another benefit of this is that they may come with filtration systems as well as a compartment for scooping and the like.

Change Your Type of Litter: Which is the best?

One suggestion that you will find in many different articles on removing cat litter smell is changing your type of litter to something with a stronger odor. For example, regular clay litters are better than ones with perfumes or scents.

However, the odors will be stronger and less likely to permeate the air around your home. They may also be more apt to dissipate. For many cats, the clumping litters are easier on their paws and can up your chances of keeping them around longer.

Add Carbon Litter Box Liners: Do they work?

Another suggestion you will find for getting rid of the odors in your home related to using a litter box is adding carbon litter box liners. These are sticks that you place into your cat’s waste and absorb the smells and help keep them trapped and away from the air in your home. They can be removed and replaced when they get full.

Clean it with Vinegar: It’s easy!

Vinegar is a great way to clean the litter box itself by using a mixture of two parts vinegar and one part water poured into a spray bottle. Spray this on your litter tray after you have cleaned it out.

Let it sit for five minutes before you wipe it down with a paper towel or rag. You can also keep small jars or bowls of vinegar around the litter tray to help cut down on the smell of kitty litter as well as around your home.

Clean it With Bleach: It’s not so easy!

Bleach can also help with the smell of cat litter (and the smell of your home in general). It’s best to use a household cleaner that has bleach mixed into it, but you can also mix some up yourself. Make sure to wear protective clothes and gloves as well as safety glasses when doing this.

Baking soda: Can I put baking soda in the cat litter box?

Baking soda does work as a natural deodorizer. You can use a box of baking soda in or around the litter tray to try and cut down on the odors from it. It is also useful for absorbing other smells before they reach your nose!

Change your cat’s diet: Can I change my cat’s diet to stop the poop smell?

You can try changing your cat’s diet from commercial foods to something more natural. Vegetables, meats, and other human-grade food may help remove some of the odors which are coming from their back end. Although you should still clean the litter tray daily, you can consult with your veterinarian about whether or not this is a good option for your cat.

 Proper litter box placement: Can I put my litter box in a certain place?

You should try and pick a space where the litter box will fit and which is quiet. This way, the noise of the kitty using the litter box will be more easily masked, and no one will have to smell it!

If you are thinking of purchasing a new cat litter box, look into getting one that is covered. This provides privacy for your pet while they’re using it and can help cut down on some of the scents of the contents being used over time.

You can also try making your own litter box to see if it works better. Using something like an old bread tin, you can cut a hole in the top and put some cat litter inside of it. The lid will help with the smell, and the bread tin itself will be easier to clean than normal plastic boxes or trays.

Place activated carbon bags under your litter tray:

Activated carbon (like that in activated charcoal) has an incredibly high surface area to volume ratio, which means that it can soak up chemicals like a sponge.

You can place one under your litter tray for 24 hours before you change the litter to see if it makes any difference. Just make sure not to use one filled with cat litter, as it can turn into a dangerous situation for your cat!

Don’t use the cheap litter:

Many cheaper brands of cat litter can be bad for your feline friend. They may have more chemicals in them, which will cause more problems over time—especially if you are using them on a regular basis.

If you notice that your kitty has some sort of negative reaction to the litter box, try switching to something different or higher-quality. You can also check with your vet to see what they recommend most highly.

Use a litter liner. They work well, and they’re easy to clean up:

When you need to clean the litter tray in a hurry, consider using a liner inside it. It will help keep things together so that you can just pick them up and throw them away without worrying about any mess on your hands or on the floor around the litter box.

 Use Cat Wipes to remove tough cat litter stains:

If you see your kitty has done their business on the floor or somewhere else in the room, take some clean wipes with you and clean up after them. They will work well for grass stains, too! Just make sure that they are alcohol-free before using them on your cat’s skin—otherwise, it could hurt them.

Use an Air Purifier:

Another way that you can reduce cat litter box odor is to use an air purifier. These devices work by passing the air around your house through a filter. As the air is passed through the filter, odors are collected and eliminated.

For many people, this can be an effective way to reduce odors without having to change any other habits in the home. However, these devices do produce noise, so if you have a particularly sensitive cat, you might want to avoid this option.

Use an Ozone Generator:

Ozone generators are another way that you can reduce odors in your home. They work by passing the air around your house through an ozone filter. The ozone has a strong smell that kills off-odors and reduces the chances that you will smell cat waste.

However, these devices do produce ozone gas, which has been shown to be harmful. You should only use an ozone generator in a well-ventilated area that isn’t occupied by small children or pets.

Why does my cat’s litter box smell so bad?

There are several reasons why cat litter box odor may be strong. A dirty litter box is one of the most common causes of an unpleasant smell. If your cat’s litter box is not cleaned out on a regular basis, that can lead to general “messiness” and an unpleasant general smell in the room. Litter boxes should be scooped out on a daily basis, and all litter changed weekly (or more frequently, if needed).

If your cat is not burying her feces or urine, then that can cause an unpleasant smell as well. Cats are naturally very clean animals, and most will instinctively bury their urine and feces.

To correct this behavior, try adding more litter to the box each time you change it rather than simply replacing all of the litter at once. Spray the litter box with a little bit of catnip before you add fresh litter to encourage them to use it. This may also be a sign that your cat needs more privacy in the litter box area.

If your cat has started urinating outside of her normal litter box area, it’s possible that the litter box is too dirty for her to use. It could also be a sign of stress or anxiety. If your cat is not using the litter box for their waste, check out our article on litter box problems to see if it may be related to medical conditions.

As always, if you are concerned about your cat’s litter box habits or if they seem to be in pain when trying to use their litter box, we recommend consulting with a veterinarian.

Why my house doesn’t smell like cats?

There is no mystical reason why your house does not smell like cats. Cats actually emit a number of chemicals that can cause at least temporary odor issues. They include:

  • Uric acid, which is a chemical found in urine and can give off a strong odor when exposed to moisture
  • Fatty acids, which are found in the sebaceous glands and can get on a cat’s fur
  • Cat saliva (when your cat grooms themselves, the saliva is rubbed into their fur)
  • Cat dander, which can cause allergic reactions in some people
  • When your cat is not present, the litter box acts as a “trap” for all of these odors, causing them to be very strong.
  • Once you scoop the litter box, many of these odors are removed. If the litter box is not scooped for several days, enough time will pass that the smell can get strong again.
  • Cats actually have a very “clean” scent to them, so if your house smells like cat urine or dander, it’s probably not because there are cats in the house. It’s more likely coming from another source, such as carpeting, upholstered furniture, or even an insect or rodent infestation.
  • Another common culprit is a dirty litter box. If your cat’s litter box is not cleaned out on a regular basis, it can begin to smell. If you have multiple cats in the house, this is even more likely. Cats are very clean animals, and if they are unable to properly bury their urine or feces, it can cause them stress.

If your house does not smell like cats, but you have recently acquired a new pet, you may notice some odors for the first few days. This is normal and will pass in time.


1. Can you put essential oils in cat litter?

Answer: There is such a thing as cat-safe essential oils, and that would mean that, yes, you can add them to your cat’s litter. Some people consider this to be a good thing, but if you’re going to do it, you don’t put any oils in there as well.

It’s also important to keep in mind that cats are sensitive creatures, and they tend to be more sensitive than people with allergies or other health problems. This means that you have to be careful with the oils that your add in, and you also have to make sure there’s no other way for your cat to get at them. If there is an opening, then your cat will go through them and make a mess out of it.

2. Why do I have a cat-litter odor?

Answer: Cats are very clean animals, so if you have a cat litter odor, it’s likely that something is wrong. The smell could stem from the litter box itself or from the litter you use.

The smell of cat urine is particularly strong, and this is because your kitty uses a scent to mark her territory. If you don’t keep your litter box clean, then this scent will stick around and make the smell much stronger.

You also have to remember that your kitty’s litter box is going to take on her own scent, and this will work to keep the odor around. This is normal, and it’s something you have to deal with if you want your cat to be happy.

3. Will an air purifier help with cat litter odor?

Answer: Some air purifiers are designed to help remove odors from the air. The level of odor removal ability depends on several factors, including filter type, filtration efficiency, room size, and ventilation methods. Activated carbon filters may be able to offer some assistance with litter box odor by absorbing gasses in the air. Anecdotal evidence suggests that some people find these types of filters helpful.

The main benefit comes from having cleaner, fresher air. Without odors such as those caused by pets, people may feel better and healthier in their homes. If you have a litter box in a room with an air purifier, it is possible that the cleaner will help with odor removal.

4. How often should you change cat litter?

Answer: For most cats, a litter box should be scooped, and all of the litter removed at least once a day. Some cat litters state they can be left unchanged for weeks at a time, but if you have multiple cats in the household, your litter box may become soiled more quickly.

Cats often will not use a dirty litter box, so it’s important to scoop the litter every day. If your cat is urinating outside of the litter box, there’s also possible a medical issue causing them to do so.

Lastly, if your cat puts their paws into the litter or scratches at it after using its litter box, the litter may be too dirty for them. It could also indicate an allergy or skin irritation that needs to be treated.


We’ve provided a few tips on how to reduce cat litter box odors, but we want you to know that there are other ways as well.

For instance, some people will use the cover of their toilet seat and put it in front of the litter box so they can scoop without having any smells escape.

Others may place an air purifier near the area or find another way to keep pets away from where they do their business!

If none of these methods work for your home, don’t hesitate to get in touch with one of our experts, who would be happy to help you out.

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